Roya citoyenne appelle à la…
Journée de solidarité internationale à Vintimille –
Pour un permis de séjour européen
Progetto 20k invite toutes les réalités, les associations, les collectifs, les groupes et les individus qui s’occupent de sujets liés aux flux migratoires, à l’accueil, à la solidarité et tou.te.s ceux et celles intéressé.e.s à participer au parcours de construction de la mobilisation du 14 juillet à Vintimille.
Nous pensons ce parcours comme une occasion précieuse d’échange, dialogue et coopération parmi tout.e.s ceux et celles qui, au-delà des différences des territoires et appartenances, partagent les mêmes horizons de pensée ; pour une mobilisation de dénonciation de la brutalité des politiques nationales et internationales de gouvernement des migrations ; contre la traite et les violences de genre, ; contre l’exploitation des personnes migrantes ; pour leur liberté et autodétermination ; pour revendiquer la nécessité d’un permis de séjour européen, le droit à la mobilité et pour repenser l’actuel système de l’ « accueil ».
Dans une Europe qui voit ses pays se renfermer derrières des barrages présidés par des armées et de nouveaux murs, qui laissent passer les marchandises mais qui arrêtent les personnes en quête de prospectives futures de vie, Vintimille représente parfaitement l’échec des traités de Schengen, qui voudraient la liberté de mouvement des personnes en son sein. Ville modèle des politiques migratoires répressives et néfastes, à la fois italiennes (décret Minniti-Orlando) et européennes (accord de Dublin III), incapables de répondre aux besoins primaires et aux revendications qui caractérisent ces mouvements migratoires ; où ceux et celles qui essaient de traverser la frontière ayant la mauvaise couleur de peau risquent de tomber sur l’un des nombreux contrôles de police, qui d’ailleurs ne sont pas toujours conformes aux normes des traités internationaux, comme les refoulements de la France des mineurs non accompagnés. Contrôles qui souvent amènent au transport forcé vers des centre Hotspot lointains des frontières (Taranto ou Crotone), dans une pratique institutionnelle inhumaine, outre qu’inutilement onéreuse pour les finances de l’état puisque les personnes, quelques jours après, reviennent à Vintimille avec la même espérance de rejoindre d’autres pays européens.
Catastrophique est aussi le système d’accueil institutionnel, qui s’est constitué comme une filière de structures où trop souvent on applique des politiques de ségrégation et d’infantilisation des personnes accueillies, auxquelles on refuse la dignité humaine et la tutelle des droits fondamentaux, en les dépersonnalisant. Ainsi, beaucoup de ces femmes et hommes préfèrent dormir dans des campements informels, dans une totale précarité humaine et sanitaire, afin de ne pas devoir s’arrêter dans des camps institutionnels. Un tel refus se manifeste vis-à-vis du camp de la Croix-Rouge italienne à Vintimille, localisé à 5 km du centre-ville, présidé en permanence par les forces de l’ordre. Pendant ces dernières années on a assisté à des évictions systématiques des campements informels ; fermeture des fontaines publiques ; fermeture de lieux d’accueil protégés pour femmes et mineurs, comme l’Eglise des Gianchette ; un ensemble de solutions qui, loin de résoudre la situation, l’empirent.
Vintimille est le symbole de la violence sur les femmes et les mineurs qui, souvent, partent afin de se soustraire de la violence patriarcale dans le pays d’origine ; mais la violence de genre est une constante tout le long du voyage des migrantes, et elle reste une constant aussi à Vintimille, quand bien même, sous les yeux de tout le monde. Les femmes en transit n’ont pas d’accès aux systèmes de soin, à la prévention des grossesses négligées et des maladies sexuellement transmissibles, elles ne peuvent pas demander dans les temps utiles une interruption volontaire de grossesse ; les conditions dans lesquelles elles sont « accueillies » à Vintimille, et pas que, sont incertaines, et elles ne les protègent pas du risque de devenir « marchandise d’échange » ou d’être asservies dans les réseaux de traite qui nourrit le marché de la prostitution.
Pour ces raisons, pendant que partout en Europe, s’enchainent les attaques contre toute forme de solidarité active ; calomnies contre les ONG ; arrestations de ceux et celles qui aident les migrants dans leurs parcours ; l’élévation incessantes de murs physiques et législatifs ; les remises de notifications, OQTF et plaintes aux activistes et solidaires, nous vous invitons à construire une mobilisation qui soit des et avec les personnes migrantes. Une journée de solidarité pour la liberté de mouvement, pour sortir de l’isolement médiatique et revendiquer la dignité et l’autonomie des personnes en voyage, pour affirmer l’humanité et la légitimité des pratiques solidaires. Pour donner vie à des langages et projets engagés qui confèrent de la force et de la visibilité aux revendications des personnes migrantes et aux différents parcours de solidarité qui se développent partout en Europe (Espagne, Grèce, Calais) contre la barbarie représentée par les frontières et les politiques migratoires.
Pour info et adhésions :
14 juillet, 14h manifestation internationale à Vintimille
#permisdesejoureuropeen #vintimillevilleouverte #droitssansfrontieres #libertesdecirculeretderester #14J
Invitiamo tutte le realtà, le associazioni, i collettivi, i gruppi e le singole persone che si occupano delle tematiche legate ai flussi migratori, all’accoglienza, alla solidarietà e chiunque sia interessato, a partecipare al percorso di costruzione della mobilitazione del 14 luglio a Ventimiglia.
Una mobilitazione che si svolgerà su uno dei confini interni più controversi d’Europa, per denunciare la brutalità delle politiche nazionali ed internazionali di governo delle migrazioni. Ma anche per rivendicare la necessità di un permesso di soggiorno europeo, il diritto alla mobilità e per ripensare l’attuale sistema della cosiddetta “accoglienza”. Una mobilitazione contro la tratta e le violenze di genere, contro lo sfruttamento delle persone migranti, per la loro libertà e autodeterminazione.
Come il Mediterraneo è il fossato mortale di un’Europa rinchiusa nella sua fortezza, così Ventimiglia è il simbolo del fallimento di un’Europa senza confini interni. Infatti il confine fra Italia e Francia rientra nell’accordo di Schengen, uno di quei confini che non dovrebbero più esistere per le persone e che invece si stanno moltiplicando e militarizzando, nuovi muri che lasciano passare le merci e fermano i corpi, i desideri, i progetti di vita.
Riteniamo che il percorso verso il 14 luglio possa rappresentare una preziosa occasione di scambio, dialogo e cooperazione tra coloro che, pur nella diversità di territori, eterogeneità e appartenenze, condividono gli stessi orizzonti di pensiero, l’idea di una società senza confini di classe, genere o nazione.
La manifestazione prende posizione di fronte alle politiche locali, italiane ed europee che quotidianamente si ripercuotono sulle condizioni di vita e sui diritti fondamentali delle persone in viaggio e non solo.
Ventimiglia è stata scelta perché luogo simbolo delle violente e fallimentari politiche migratorie sia italiane che europee, come il decreto Minniti-Orlando o l’accordo di Dublino III.
Pensiamo che il nuovo governo italiano populista, xenofobo e razzista possa ulteriormente aggravare una situazione già estremamente critica per chi rivendica diritti e libertà di movimento.
L’Europa è simbolo del fallimento dell’accoglienza istituzionale.
Come succede in molti altri territori, tantissime di queste persone dormono in accampamenti a cielo aperto, dove manca tutto e le condizioni igienico sanitarie sono precarie, pur di non sostare nel campo della Croce Rossa Italiana, situato a 5km dalla città per questioni di decoro, costantemente presidiato dalle forze dell’ordine.
Come in tante altre città, “l’accoglienza” si presenta di fatto come uno strumento di disciplinamento e inferiorizzazione.
I grandi centri di prima accoglienza troppo spesso sono luoghi di segregazione e spersonalizzazione, luoghi orientati all’infantilizzazione delle persone migranti alle quali viene negata la dignità umana e la tutela dei diritti primari.
Tuttavia questo violento sistema di confinamenti e controllo non riesce a frenare e neutralizzare il desiderio di libertà e le rivendicazioni che caratterizzano questi movimenti migratori.
In Europa infatti si sono susseguite a più riprese proteste, contestazioni, azioni collettive auto-organizzate, “contro-condotte” e diffusi comportamenti di carattere resistenziale.
L’Europa è il simbolo del razzismo istituzionale che è ormai pratica quotidiana.
Chi ogni giorno tenta di attraversare il confine rischia di incappare in uno dei numerosi controlli di polizia, basati esclusivamente sul colore della pelle. La discrezionalità dei controlli di frontiera raggiunge casi di aperta violazione delle norme e dei trattati internazionali, come il reiterato respingimento di minori non accompagnati dalla Francia all’Italia.
Chi viene respinto al confine o viene trovato privo di documenti in città, può essere trasferito verso l’hotspot di Taranto o di Crotone.
Queste pratiche di identificazione e deportazione, tristemente comuni a molti altri territori, avvengono quasi quotidianamente con l’intento di “alleggerire” la frontiera, una pratica istituzionale rivelatasi oltre che inumana, anche dispendiosa per le casse dello stato e inutile visto che le persone dopo pochi giorni ritornano a Ventimiglia nel tentativo di raggiungere altri paesi europei.
L’Europa è il simbolo della violenza su donne e minori.
Le donne e le minori spesso si mettono in viaggio per sottrarsi alla violenza patriarcale nel paese di origine, ma la violenza di genere è una costante in tutto il viaggio delle migranti.
Le donne in transito non hanno accesso alla salute, alla prevenzione delle gravidanze indesiderate e delle malattie sessualmente trasmissibili, non possono richiedere in tempi utili un’interruzione volontaria di gravidanza; le condizioni in cui vengono “accolte”, a Ventimiglia e non solo, sono insicure, non le tutelano dal rischio di diventare “merce di scambio” e di entrare nella rete della tratta che nutre il mercato della prostituzione.
Le violenze sono all’ordine del giorno per tutte le migranti e avvengono sotto gli occhi di tutti, istituzioni e forze dell’ordine comprese, che persistono però nell’attuare unicamente politiche repressive e di controllo.
In tutta Europa si susseguono attacchi ad ogni forma di solidarietà attiva: dalle navi delle ONG trattate come scafisti, agli arresti di chi aiuta i migranti nel loro percorso, alla continua costruzione di muri fisici e legislativi, fino alle migliaia di avvisi orali, fogli di via e denunce ad attivisti e solidali, colpevoli semplicemente di esprimere solidarietà. A Ventimiglia ad esempio per oltre un anno una ordinanza comunale ha vietato di portare da mangiare ai migranti.
In tre anni si sono susseguiti sgomberi forzati dei campi, blocco delle fontane (unica fonte di approvvigionamento per molti), “pulizia” con le ruspe del greto del fiume Roya, chiusura di luoghi protetti di accoglienza per donne e minori come la Chiesa delle Gianchette; un insieme di “soluzioni” che, ben lungi dal risolvere la situazione, la peggiorano.
Per tutti questi motivi costruiamo assieme una mobilitazione collettiva. Una giornata di solidarietà per la libertà di movimento, per uscire dall’isolamento mediatico e rivendicare la dignità e l’autonomia delle persone in viaggio, per affermare l’umanità e la legittimità delle pratiche solidali e per rompere finalmente con una narrazione improntata prevalentemente su logiche eurocentriche e populiste.
Non vogliamo una mobilitazione “per i migranti”, ma una mobilitazione che sia con e delle persone migranti. Una mobilitazione che sappia includere tutti e dare vita a linguaggi e progetti coinvolgenti.
Ci rivolgiamo anche a quella parte di cittadinanza ventimigliese che vuole sentirsi soggetto attivo del proprio territorio.
Vogliamo una mobilitazione trasversale che, con la forza della sua determinazione e partecipazione, sappia dare forza e visibilità alle rivendicazioni delle persone migranti e ai diversi percorsi di solidarietà che si stanno sviluppando in tutta Europa (dalla Spagna alla Grecia passando per Calais) contro la barbarie rappresentata dai confini e dalle politiche migratorie.
-14 luglio ore 14.00 corteo internazionale a Ventimiglia
Per info e adesioni:
اليوم الدولي للتضامن في فينتيميجيا
للحصول على تصريح إقامة أوروبي
20k تدعو جميع الحقائق والجمعيات والأفراد الذين يتعاملون مع القضايا المتعلقة بالهجرة والترحيب والتضامن, وأي شخص مهتم بالمشاركة في بناء المسيرة الاحتجاجية يوم 14 يوليو في فينتميليا.
مسيرة ستجرى على أحد أكثر الحدود الداخلية إثارة للجدل في أوروبا ، للتنديد بوحشية سياسات الهجرة الوطنية والدولية. و أيضا المطالبة بالحصول على تصريح إقامة أوروبي ، والحق في التنقل وإعادة التفكير في النظام الحالي لما يسمى « بالضيافة ».مسيرة ضد الاتجار والعنف ضد المرأة ، ضد استغلال المهاجرين ، من أجل حريتهم وتقرير مصيرهم.
وبما أن البحر الأبيض المتوسط يعتبر مقبرة جماعية ، فإن فنتيميليا هو رمز فشل أوروبا بدون حدود داخلية. في الواقع، الحدود بين إيطاليا وفرنسا بموجب اتفاق شنغن، واحدة من تلك الحدود التي لا ينبغي أن توجد وبدلا من ذلك نجد القوات العسكرية لمراقبة هده الحدود الوهمية، والجدران الجديدة التي تسمح للسلع بالعبور وتمنع الاشخاص.
ونعتقد أن الطريق إلى 14 يوليو ستكون فرصة ثمينة لتبادل الحوار والتعاون بين أولئك الذين، يؤمنون باختلاف الاجناس و التقافات، وتقاسم فكرة وجود مجتمع بلا حدود .
يأخذ هذا الحدث موقفًا أمام السياسات المحلية والإيطالية والأوروبية التي تؤثر يوميًا على الظروف المعيشية والحقوق الأساسية للأشخاص المسافرين وليس فقط.
تم اختيار فنتيميليا كرمز لسياسات الهجرة العنيفة والأوروبية الفاشلة ، مثل مرسوم مينيتي-أورلاندو أو اتفاقية دبلن 3.
نحن نعتقد أن الحكومة الإيطالية الفاشية الجديدة ، بسياستها الهادفة الى كراهية الأجانب والعنصرية قد تزيد من تفاقم الاوضاع لأولئك الذين يدعون لحرية الحركة.
فنتيميليا هو رمز لفشل الضيافة المؤسسية.
كما يحدث في العديد من المناطق الأخرى ، ينام العديد من هؤلاء في مخيمات مفتوحة ، حيث كل شيء مفقود والظروف الصحية محفوفة بالمخاطر ، و التوقف في ميدان الصليب الأحمر الإيطالي ، الذي يقع على بعد 5 كيلومترات من المدينة لأسباب اللياقة ، يحرس باستمرار من قبل الشرطة.
وكثيراً جداً ما تكون مراكز الاستقبال الكبيرة أماكن للتفرقة وفصل الهوية ، وهي أماكن تهدف إلى تقوية المهاجريين المحرومين من كرامة الإنسان وحماية الحقوق الأولية.
ومع ذلك ، فإن هذا النظام العنيف من الحبس والسيطرة لا يمكن أن يوقف أو يحيد عن الرغبة في الحرية والادعاءات التي تميز هذه الحركات المهاجرة.
في الواقع ، في أوروبا كانت هناك العديد من الاحتجاجات ، الأعمال الجماعية المنظمة ذاتيا ، « السلوك المضاد » والسلوكيات المقاومة واسعة الانتشار.
فنتيميليا هو رمز العنصرية المؤسسية التي هي الآن ممارسة يومية.
كل من يحاول عبور الحدود كل يوم من المرجح أن يصل إلى واحدة من شبكات الشرطة ، استنادا فقط للون الجلد. يصل تقدير الضوابط الحدودية إلى حالات انتهاك مفتوح للمعايير والمعاهدات الدولية ، مثل الرفض المتكرر للقاصرين غير المصحوبين من فرنسا إلى إيطاليا.
يمكن نقل أولئك الذين يتم رفضهم على الحدود دون وثائق في المدينة إلى نقطة ساخنة من تارانتو أو كروتوني.
تحدث هذه الممارسات المشتركة للأسف إلى العديد من المناطق الأخرى، يوميا تقريبا بقصد « التخفيف » من المهاجرين, لكنها مكلفة لخزينة الدولة وغير مجدية ,حيث ان المهاجرين بعد بضعة أيام يعودون إلى فينتيميليا في محاولة للوصول إلى دول أوروبية أخرى.
فنتيميليا هو رمز العنف ضد النساء والقاصرين.
غالباً ما تنطلق النساء والأطفال للهروب من العنف الأبوي في بلدهم الأصلي ، لكن العنف القائم على نوع الجنس ثابت طوال رحلة المهاجرين.
لا تستطيع النساء اللواتي يعشن في العبور الحصول على الرعاية الصحية والوقاية من الحمل غير المرغوب فيه والأمراض التي تنتقل بالاتصال الجنسي ، ولا يمكنهن طلب وقف الحمل طواعية في الوقت المناسب ؛ الظروف التي « يتم قبولها » فيها ، في فينتميليا وفي أماكن أخرى ، هي غير آمنة ، فهي لا تحميهم من خطر « تبادل السلع »
Progetto 20k invites all the realities, the associations, the indipendent unions, the groups and every single person that deals or has been dealing with themes regarding the policies of migrant flows, immigration policies or that believes in solidarity, to participate in the organization of the 14th of July mobilisation in Ventimiglia.
A mobilisation that will occur on one of the most lethal internal borders of Europe, to repeal the brutality of national and international governmental migrant policies, to lay claim to the need of a European resident permit and to the right of mobility. To rethink the actual system of immigration policies, to fight human trafficking, gender violence, and people exploitation, to defend people’s freedom and the right of self-determination.
As the Mediterranean is the mortal ditch of the fortress Europe, Ventimiglia is the symbol of the failure of a Europe with no internal borders: the border between Italy and France is a Schengen border, one of those borders that should not exist anymore and that instead are multiplying and militarizing, becoming new walls that let goods through but stop people with their wishes and life projects.
We think that the path towards the 14th of July represents a unique opportunity of sharing and cooperation among those that, although in different territories and coming from different backgrounds, still share the same horizons of meaning: the idea of a society without borders, without class, gender or national boundaries.
We take action together, facing the local policies, Italians and Europeans, that have daily repercussions on the fundamental rights and living conditions of migrant and non-migrant people. Ventimiglia was chosen as it symbolizes the consequences of the violent and failing migrant policies implemented by Italy and Europe, as the Minniti-Orlando ruling or the Dublin III agreement.
We believe that the new Italian government, populist and racist, will worsen even more this already critical situation for anybody who lays claim to rights and freedom of movement.
Ventimiglia is the symbol of failing migrant policies.
As in many other territories, many people travelling across Europe sleep in the streets or on the beach, where nothing is available and hygienic and sanitary conditions are precarious, as the available Italian Red Cross camp is 5km outside town for decorum reasons, constantly garrisoned by police and military forces.
As in many other cities, immigration policies are not about welcoming people but about dehumanizing them.
The big reception centres are too often places of segregation and dehumanization, places that push towards infantilazation of migrant people to whom human dignity and basic human rights are denied.
Despite the efforts of this violent system in controlling and confining bodies, it is not able to stop and neutralize the desire of freedom that characterize all migratory movements.
Across Europe multiple demonstrations, collective actions and resistance behaviours have risen one after the other to show that repression and violence will not win through fear.
Ventimiglia is the symbol of institutional violence that becomes daily practice.
Who attempts to cross the border daily, is risking every day to be caught in one of the many police controls which are based only on the color of the skin. The way border controls are applied towards certain categories openly violates international policies and treaties, as the continuous reiterated refuse of entrance applied to non accompanied minors from France to Italy. People that are turned down at the border, or are found without documents around town can be transferred collectively towards the Taranto or the Crotone detention centre.
These practices of sweep, identification and deportation, are sadly common to other territories as well, they happen almost daily aiming at “lightening” the border, an institutional practice which has turned out to be not only inhuman but also very expensive for the state beside being completely useless as these people are back in Ventimiglia just a few days after the forced transfer, trying once again to cross the border.
Ventimiglia is the symbol of violence against women and minors.
Women and minors often start their journey to escape from the patriarchal violence in their country of origin, but gender violence is a constant during their whole journey.
Transiting women have no access to the health system, to unwanted pregnancy and transferable diseases prevention or to pregnancy interruption; the conditions in which they are “welcomed” in Ventimiglia and elsewhere, are precarious and do not protect them from the risk of becoming “exchange goods” entering the trafficking network that feeds the prostitution market.
Gender violence are a daily threat and fact for all migrant women, while everyone is watching, the institutions and police forces included, that persist into applying repressive and controlling policies instead of protecting them.
The border is constant intimidation, repression e criminalization of all people.
Across all Europe attacks to every form of active solidarity towards migrants are continuous: from the NGOs ships treated as traffickers, to the arrests of who helps the migrants during their journey, to the continuous built of physical and institutional walls, until the thousands of oral notices, expulsion orders and charges of activists guilty of solidarity.
As an example, in Ventimiglia, to more than a year, a municipal decree forbid to bring food to the migrants that were living on the streets.
For three years there have been forced evacuations of the informal camp, the water fountains were turned off (despite being the only source of free drinkable water for most), “cleaning” of the riverside of the river Roya where many people were living waiting to cross the border, and the closure of protected spaces for women and children, as the Church of the Gianchette. All this represents an ensemble of “solutions” that, instead of finding a solution, make it even worse.
For all these reasons let’s build together a collective mobilisation, open and horizontal, a day of solidarity in the city of Ventimiglia: for freedom of movement, to get out of the media isolation and lay claim to dignity and people indipendence during their journey, to declare the humanity and the legitimacy of solidarity, to break, once for all, with Eurocentric, neo-colonialistic and populist visions.
We do not want a mobilisation “for” the migrant people, but a mobilisation with and of the migrant people.
We want and inclusive mobilasation, that can give life to new languages and projects that will be inclusive for everyone.
We turn to that part of the citizens of Ventimiglia that want to feel as an active subject on their territory.
We want a transversal mobilisation that, with the strength of its determination and participation, can give strength and visibility to the claims of migrant people and of the different solidarity initiatives that are developing across Europe (from Spain to Greece passing by Calais) against the violence of immigration policies and borders.
23rd of June at 11:00 AM organizing international assembly at LSOA Buridda Genova
14th of July at 2:00 PM international demonstration in Ventimiglia.
#europeanresidentpermit #ventimigliacittàaperta #rightswithoutborders#freetogoandstay #14L
For info and adhesion: